Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back At School

I'm quite sorry for all of the delays in updating. Towards the end of the summer, my illness problems uprose yet again in full force. While I was still able to bake a little, I was not able to do nearly as much as I would like (can we ever?) or to post. No worries, however, as I will go back and update with some of the items I made. I personally feel that the stars of the summer were the baseball themed and Italian themed cakes. Additionally, I discovered a new delicious treat - peanut butter brownies. Mmmm, mmm. I'll be postng all of that shortly!

I just moved back to school (same apartment as last year, happily), so I'll be baking more now. (I can bake everything I want and then leave it out for roommates and visitors!) In just the past weekend, I've already made triple chocolate nut cookies (not a success in the crumble department, but still delightful) and a few other treats, along with - of course - cooking some meals.

If anyone has any suggestions for more desserts or low-cost and delicious cooking, I'm all eyes! (I say eyes since I'll be reading and not listening.)
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