Saturday, October 30, 2010

Muffin Time!

The other day, I needed to relax a bit and wanted to try something new. Thus, I decided to try some new muffins! I ended up making two types: Double Chocolate Plus and Peach.

I found the basis of my recipes online, though I did, of course and as always, alter them a bit. I don't feel as though I altered them enough to warrant posting them here, since I would never want to simply repost (or nearly repost) someone else's recipe.

I will post my changes, however, because they both came out as delicious!

For the double chocolate plus muffins, I took a basic chocolate chip nut muffin recipe and did the following:
  • added extra deep chocolate cocoa
  • increased the chocolate chips
  • added dried cherries
  • added white chocolate
  • added walnuts, slightly crushed
I altered it a bit more, but those were recipe-particular, so I don't think resuscitation of it is necessary. Basically: increase chocolate. =)

For the peach muffins, I took a basic apple muffin recipe and did the following:
  • used one large peach rather than the one cup called for
  • ground up about 3/4 of the peach to the point of nearly being liquid
  • sliced the remaining 1/4 of the peach to very small chunks
  • used butter instead of shortening
I know I'll be making these again, and I hope others like the idea as well!

I'm hoping to make a delicious, yet out of the ordinary, pumpkin treat sometime in the near future. Any ideas? 

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