Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Baseball Cakes

This weekend, I decided that I felt like doing some creative baking. Thus, I looked around for a few ideas and found some helpful sites. I knew that I wanted to make a friend a birthday cake (or set of, as it turned out), so I themed it in a way that would appeal to her.

What I ended up creating is the following: a Red Sox baseball cap, hot dog in bun, hamburger in bun, and fries.
I'll be posting the pictures that I took during the entire process later. Just to let everyone know, this was my first time ever working with shaping cakes or really getting into design. However, everyone thought that it looked very realistic, particularly the tray of 'fried food,'so I feel pretty good about it.
the completed project

Hot dog bun: coconut pound cake
Hot dog: mocha cake
Hamburger bun: yellow cake
Hamburger: chocolate-mocha cake
Cap visor: chocolate
Cap: swirl cake (of all the leftover cake batters)
Fries: coconut pound cake

After making sure I had all of my ingredients (always important), I began to make the cakes. It is important to look at what you have for pans (or simply things that shape well and are fine for the oven) and decide how your pans and the needs mix. Since this took so long, I took pieces of paper, labeled with what part it was for and the type of cake it should be, and put them in the respective pans.

For mine, I used the following pans: small round, 8" round, small glass bowl, large ceramic bowl, and loaf pan.

Later on, I'll update with the exact description of how I did it. I've been meaning to do so, but honestly I've had no time! I'll put up the recipes for each cake, pictures, and how I did it.

Let me know if anyone has any ideas, particularly for football themes or for butterflies. I'm not too concerned with them, but I love hearing other people's ideas!

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