Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Blog!


I decided to make a blog for cooking and baking, since I love to do both. I tend to bake more, since I like it more, so I'll be upfront and say that this will likely concentrate more on baking. However, I do want to improve and expand my cooking abilities, so who knows? I'm going to post some of my found and tried recipes on here, along with some fun ones that I've always used. I'm a bit old school and likely won't be posting any of my grandmother's old recipes, because that simply wouldn't fly, but I'l share pretty much everything else. :)

If anyone has suggestions of other recipes or where to find them, or how to improve my own - definitely share them along the way! I'm all for altering. Basically, any recipe I have is altered by me.

Well, let's have fun!

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